2019.12.03 the crazy years

Tuesday 2019.12.03

In what could very well be my last note here, I want to point people to the recent conversation that is part of James Howard Kunstler’s Kunstlercast series, about “the crazy years”, refering to fiction from Robert Heinlein, an idea that might be all too real here in the present.

KunstlerCast 322 – With Larry Kummer editor of the Fabius Maximus website. Are these the Crazy Years in America? – Kunstler

Things are certainly crazy, and a very unfrotunate part of this is that many of the people who would jump to agree with this idea are deep into the crazy themselves and willing, even enthusiastic, participants.

I think it is a sad indication of things to watch the insanity playing out on the web, especially in “social media” world, while, as a contrast, I posted a link to the hour long conversation I just included here, and notice it apparently being completely ignored, as far as I can tell.

A large part of the madness continues, as expected, revolving around what I have been calling bipolar political disorder, with people squabbling over whether you should press the “R” button or the “D” button, and pretending this is “democracy” as the two dominant, domineering, political parties that have completely taken over American government fight for which batch of puppets of oligarchy and warmonger megalomaniacs gets to dominate the theater show.